Welcome to our exploration of nature stereotypes in animated films. Without us really realizing it, many clichés about nature and animals are conveyed in these films, influencing the way we perceive the natural world. To help you identify them, let’s play a game! Test your knowledge with our quiz and find out if you too have been trapped by some of these stereotypes!


0 = nature complètement idéalisée, romantisée, qui s’éloigne de la réalité.
5 = nature dépeinte telle qu’elle est dans la réalité, sans fioritures.


Nature is often portrayed as a perfect paradise, without flaws or dangers. This idealization influences our expectations, sometimes making us forget the real challenges and complexity of natural ecosystems.


0 = présence d’une forte dichotomie de la nature sans nuances qui est soit bonne soit méchante.
5 = présence de nuances dans les rôles de la nature, se rapprochant d’une réalité à plusieurs teintes.

GOOD/BAD Nature :

Is nature always benevolent or evil in animated films? This criterion examines simplistic dichotomies and how they influence our understanding of complex, balanced real-life ecosystems.


0 = connotation d’une nature sauvage, non civilisée, brutale, hostile et en désordre, qui s’oppose à l’urbanisation organisée et civilisée.
5 = aucune connotation d’une nature sauvage, non civilisée, brutale, hostile.


Is wilderness portrayed as dangerous and unpredictable, or as a sanctuary of purity and beauty? Find out how these representations impact our relationship with untamed nature and our desire to protect it.

0 5
0 = completely idealized, romanticized nature, far removed from reality.
5 = nature depicted as it is in reality, without embellishments.
0 5
0 = presence of a strong dichotomy of nature without nuances, which is either good or evil.
5 = presence of nuances in nature's roles, approaching a reality of many hues.
0 5
0 = connotation of a wild, uncivilized, brutal, hostile and disorderly nature, opposed to organized, civilized urbanization.
5 = no connotation of a wild, uncivilized, brutal, hostile nature.
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